Interview Tips

Interview hints and tips

Be prepared
-        Download and complete this document to ensure you're preparing the right information
-     Make sure you understand the job description
-       Practise talking about your skills using positive language
-       Consider the dress code and find appropriate, clean, tidy, smart clothes to wear

Showing yourself at your best
-       Arrive at the interview ten minutes early (do not be earlier than this)
-       Smile and use positive, confident body language 
-    Remember the interview panel’s names if you can and use them where appropriate
-       If you have made notes take them out and use them during the interview

Saying the right thing
-       Always use positive language
-       Listen to the question carefully and ask for clarification if you need to
-       Remember to give plenty of examples in your answers, showing how you demonstrated the skills you claim to have
-       When asked what you know about the company, relate it back to you and why you are interested in working there, don’t just reel off facts from the website.
-    If you don't understand a question ask for clarification and if you still don’t understand ask what skills they are looking for you to demonstrate in your answer

Dealing with tricky questions
-       The tricky question you know you are going to be asked should always be well rehearsed and answered confidently
-       Pause and think before you answer an unexpected question, the pause always seems longer to you.
-       Always speak positively and never allow your answer to become emotional
-       Never speak badly of a previous employer, whatever happened
-       Keep it brief.  Don’t brush off a tricky question, but don’t waffle, and don’t give all the embarrassing detail.

Ending the interview
-       Always ask the interviewer questions or if they have answered all of your questions tell them what they would have been
-       Let them know that you are interested
-       Ask when you are likely to hear
-       Ask if they have any concerns
-       Thank them for taking the time to meet with you

Following up
-       Don’t forget this stage!
-       Email the interviewer straight after the interview to thank them again for their time and tell them how much you like the job and organisation
-       If you haven’t heard by the time they said you would, call them and ask for news (never assume that you haven’t got the job – anything could have happened!)
-       If it is a no, always ask for feedback.  Ask for advice on what you can do differently next time.

Katie Gerrard